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Global Music Vault




Our first call out to the global music world to unite in safeguarding the most important living musical expressions to be celebrated and become our future cultural legacy. 
Music that has shaped our socities, inspired our cultures, is a part of our DNA, and unites this world, is now in danger of being lost forever, if not actively and safely preserved.
The Global Music Vault invites the creators, performers, artists, leaders, companies, organisations and associations and others from all nations to come together in the preservation and celebration of music.
We have developed a dedicated program for this greater cause. To contribute and learn more click here

The Global Music Vault is set deep inside an arctic mountain in far north Norway, on the Svalbard archipelago. Svalbard is a declared demilitarised zone by 42 nations.


The safety, security and remoteness made it a perfect choice for a vault containing such valuable information. Further, the cool, dry permafrost conditions increase the longevity of the stored data.


Designed to withstand natural and man-made disasters, in the safest location on earth, data stored here will last for centuries.

Much of our heritage is stored digitally and, despite best efforts to protect it for the future, it can be exposed to risks, either from the online environment or just from the limits of modern storage technology.

The combination of resilient long-term storage technology and the remote, safe and cold conditions found on Svalbard, enables data to live on into the distant future.


A wide variety of musical expressions from all around the world will be the first to be deposited to the vault.


The technology used to store the data is as important as the music itself. Most digital storage mediums have a limited lifetime, and hardware, software and file formats become obsolete as technology evolves.

The purpose-built digital data medium can last for over 1000 years in the vault with guaranteed future accessibility. The storage medium,, is futureproof and technology independent, so no matter how much time has passed and how technology has evolved, the data will still be accessible.


This technology will be revealed to the world in the near future.

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